Fallout: Oblivion Lost

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You are here » Fallout: Oblivion Lost » Aroyo » What is the best Fallout mod to start with?

What is the best Fallout mod to start with?

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Hi there!
After hours of playing original Fallout series I’ve finally started to search for something else... So I was just wondering if you could recommend some must-have Fallout 1 or 2 mods? I just don’t know what I should start with. By the way, I don’t dig Wasteland 2 for some reason, and I’m looking for the exactly Fallout 1-2 mods, not Fallout 3 mods, not other games, etc…

I also will appreciate if you post not just a list of mods, but say a few words why you recommend this particular mod. Thanks!



I have long tried to answer this question. The thing is that I still do not have much of it. No matter how I tried, but recently the support for some mods has stopped. They do not renew. Although I used a proxy server, I did not have any updates.


You are here » Fallout: Oblivion Lost » Aroyo » What is the best Fallout mod to start with?