Fallout: Oblivion Lost

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You are here » Fallout: Oblivion Lost » Aroyo » Compare Fallout2 and Morrowind

Compare Fallout2 and Morrowind

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Hello. The first game that I played was morrovind. Since then, the RPG is my favorite genre of games. Fallout and morrovind - the most popular games that almost everyone knows. I suggest this topic to compare these great games! Write who you like more? I like the morrovind, 'cause there are better story! In fallout has its advantages, but overall the game is much more boring. And in fallout biggest minus is the system avtopritselivaniya. So play at all interesting. In morrovind this was not. Quests in both games quite interesting.  :nope:



In Morrovind you as a player have abilities to forget about general task from emperor and became a leader of rogues or bandits. Free world with interesting and detailed characters, quests and stories. Anyway, I prefer The elder scrolls universe. My choice is Morrovind!


You are here » Fallout: Oblivion Lost » Aroyo » Compare Fallout2 and Morrowind